Taken from: http://www.soulconnection.ca/node/351
Keeping yourself Clear with the Violet Flame
The Violet Flame works by raising vibrations. Vibration can be understood to be the speed at which electrons orbit around the nucleus of an atom. The empty space between the nucleus and the electrons is where negative energy can become stuck. When the atoms in our bodies or our auras become clogged with this negativity, the electrons move slower and slower…we have a lower vibration and are less connected to our true spiritual nature.

The Violet Flame transmutes negative energy by turning it into light which causes us to vibrate to a higher energy pattern, releasing more spiritual energy into our bodies. The Violet Flame is a tool of self-transformation. It has the unique ability to transform fear into courage, anxiety into peace and hatred into love. It re-establishes harmony and balance
The Violet Flame is a Divine gift and tool for everyone, given to us by Ascended Master Saint Germaine. It is a sacred fire that exists on the Higher Dimensions.
The Violet Flame is Spiritual Alchemy in action, transmuting denser feelings, actions, deeds, thoughts and karma. The Violet flame helps prepare us for our Ascension, which means becoming a Divine Human, also known as a Christed Being – This level of Consciousness obtainable by any person who strives to embody their spiritual self fully within their physical self. You may use the Violet Flame in perfect harmony with any belief system, religion or practice. There are absolutely no conditions attached to it.
You can memorize an invocation or use the words and feelings from your own heart.
There are unlimited ways to use the Violet Flame. This is the basic method Saint Germaine offers to use as a foundation for Violet Flame work. It is very simple with only four steps. Once you understand the principles behind this practice, you can adapt it and use it in unlimited ways.
Step 1. Bring the Violet Flame into your body. Ask your Higher Self, a Master, Guide or Angel to assist you or just ask the flame to “be made manifest”. Do your best to visualize it. It doesn’t matter if you can actually see it.
Step 2. Imagine the flame spinning around your body. Bring it inside your body and through your heart chakra. The flame fills your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
Step 3. Ask the Violet Flame to transmute everything you wish to be changed or eliminated from your life. You can say “transmute anything and everything standing in the way of my fully embodied God/Goddess self.”
Step 4. Use the flame to change negativity into Divine Light and fill your body.
The Violet Flame Invocations below turn everything into the golden light of the Christ Consciousness.
The following are two simple invocations which will transmute negative thoughts, actions and emotions. You can individualize the Invocation using words from your heart. Say them with feeling and intention.
Saying the words out loud is best because the power and vibration of the spoken word has energy, which helps create the maximum results of the Violet Flame. If you are with people who might be uncomfortable with the spoken word, you can just say it quietly in your mind.
Center yourself. Take a few deep breaths to prepare. Then say these words:
I AM a being of Violet Fire
I AM the purity God desires
(repeat 3 times)
Beloved I AM presence bright
Round Me seal your tube of light
From Ascended masters flame
Called forth now in God’s own name
Let it keep my temple free
From all discord sent to me
I AM calling forth violet fire
To transmute all desire
Keeping on in freedoms name
Till I AM one with violet flame
(repeat 3 times)