Ways to Treat Insomnia Without Medication. Insomnia is your miracle “wake up” call to self care, anti aging, de stressing and a happier life.
How Insomnia Can Ruin Your Life – Ways to Treat Insomnia Without Medication
Today I was talking to a friend on the phone. She was telling me how hard it is for her to sleep. She is always tired.
This ruins her life because after the exhaustion incurred from a sleepless night she has to go to work. After that she has very little energy left over for fun!
Another friend of mine suffers from occasional sleeplessness. Now that she is retired she can sleep in if she had a sleepless night, but when she was working this was REALLY a problem.
She had little energy left over for fun!
I too have had problems with insomnia. This caused a lack of energy and required I live my life around having enough energy to do my work.

Energy! Energy! Energy! Where is it and how to I get it? Ways to Treat Insomnia Without Medication
In contrast, my brother-in-law is always filled with energy. He only needs 5 to 6 hours a night sleep. When it is time to sleep, he sleeps very well.
Then in the morning he wakes up at 5am raring to go. He plays tennis or pickleball for a couple of hours followed by some home construction project, then on to the evening for a night of ballroom dancing.
He is 84 years old, about to turn 85! He acts and looks 45 years young!
How does he do this? I think it is because he is so physically active his body produces the energy coenzyme called NAD+.

What is NAD+ and How It Affects Insomnia – Ways to Treat Insomnia Without Medication
NAD+ affects the way our body outlays energy. It gives us energy during the day. It helps us sleep during the night. It is part of the circadian clock.
“Disrupted sleep-wake and molecular circadian rhythms are a feature of aging associated with metabolic disease and reduced levels of NAD+.” This quote is taken from an NIH study published HERE
As we get older we produce less and less NAD+, until finally there is no more of it and death occurs. We cannot live without NAD+ in our body.
However, an older person can have almost the same NAD+ levels in their body as a 25 year old, if they are highly physically active.
Here is an article referring to the study by the University of Amsterdam which reveals this.
You would have to do the equivalent of 13,000+ steps per day as a minimum to enjoy elevated NAD+ levels in an older body. That is the equivalent of 2 hours of walking at a brisk pace.
However, if you had the elevated NAD+ levels of a 25 year old you would sleep better, more soundly and have energy during the day to do what you needed.

My Ways to Treat Insomnia Without Medication And Have More Energy
I was able to “cure” my insomnia by doing some of what follows below. The results?
I feel happier. I have better mental focus, which is extremely important for the work I do as a psychic medium.
When I need energy I have it and now I no longer need a nap in the late afternoon if I am going out for the evening!
Needing to take a nap really zaps your productivity.

How to Sleep Well At Night – Ways to Treat Insomnia Without Medication
Here is what I have done to “cure” my insomnia.
DISCLAIMER: This is not medical advise. I am merely sharing what and why I do what I do so you to do your own research to make your own decisions.
PRODUCTS MENTIONED. I receive NO compensation for products mentioned in this article.
After doing a lot of research on the coenzyme NAD+, I discovered that Niacin and Niacinamide produce NAD+ in the body.
At first I started with a large non flushing dose of Niacin (Vitamin B3) in the morning.
Here is the Niacin I bought.
I have this Niacinamide on order, but have not started using it yet. Niacinamide is supposed to be better than Niacin to produce NAD+ in the body.
Intuitively I feel it is better to supplement with both.
Other ways to use supplements to increase NAD+ production are NR and/or NMN, which are derived from niacin.
You need to be careful where you buy these from as many found on Amazon are made with fillers and do not work.
I was taking an NMN brand I found there and had no results at all.
I felt the effects right away, the first day. I had a sudden calmness, mental clarity, a constant flow of energy all day, and a better mood.

Herbal Calming Better than Chemical Sleep Aid for Me
Even with the NAD+ precursor supplementation I still had trouble sleeping so I continued my search for a solution.
So I tried taking diphenhydramine, the chemical in Tylenol PM that produces sleep. Instead of sleeping better, I would wake up in the middle of the night, like a nervous zombie!
I would stay awake until the morning, when I would be groggy, unhappy and generally dysfunctional. I had similar responses when I took doxylamine succinate (found in Unisom), Melatonin and timed release Melatonin.
All would work for a while, then suddenly they did not work. It was almost like my body was rebelling to them, trying to intuitively lead me to what it needed.
This intuition led me to try to take something natural, holistic and gentle, a natural tranquilizer of sorts, not a sleep aid.
I found Calm Tabs®* with Valerian, Passion Flower, Hops, Chamomile from Puritan Pride. I am certain you can find something like this from your favorite provider.
The point is, I found that by working with an herbal remedy that relaxes me my results were so positive.
I now wake up feeling happy, relaxed, in a great mood. And my energy is smashing all day!
If I do wake up in the middle of the night, I can take some more of these herbs without negative consequences. It is so gentle, like a relaxing tea.

Third Thing I Do to “Cure” My Insomnia
I use a large fan set at the foot of my bed.
Not only does a fan mask noises that might disturb a light sleeper, but as well, it keeps the room cooler which is integral to deep sleep.
If you are in a cooler climate and cannot tolerate a fan at night you might find a white noise machine, audio, video or something else can produce that for you.
Sleeping Cooler Can Help You Sleep
I mentioned being cool helps me leave insomnia behind. If you are a hot sleeper, even living in a cool climate, you might find getting a cooling mattress or a cooling blanket can help.
I actually found a “cooling” blanket on Amazon that works like a charm. Below is a link to the one I purchased.
I did not know there was such a thing until I went onto Amazon looking for a cooling mattress topper.
Here is the cooling blanket I bought. It really chills you down.
List of Resources I Use as Ways to Treat Insomnia Without Medication
Here is a list of what I mentioned above to aid you in treating your insomnia without medication.
- Herbal Calming: Calm Tabs®* with Valerian, Passion Flower, Hops, Chamomile from Puritan Pride.
- White noise: a fan, white noise machine, audio, video.
- Sleeping Cooler: a fan, Cooling Mattress, Cooling Blanket
- NAD+ Boosters: Niacin, Niacinamide, NR or NMN.
Commonly Advised Helpful Ways to Treat Insomnia Without Medication
The following tips can be found elsewhere but I thought I would mention them here to be a bit thorough in this article.
- Get enough exercise during the day.
- Get enough daylight during the day.
- Meditate.
- Do not drink caffeine after 12pm or a certain number of hours before bedtime that works for you. Caffeine is in many foods so you need to do your due diligence.
- About 1 hour before retiring begin to avoid “blue light” from smart phones, computers, etc.
- Don’t watch TV, especially if violent or stimulating.
- Reading can help quiet the mind before sleep.
- Gentle stretching as in Yoga for Sleep can help relax you.
INVITATION: Add Your Ways to Treat Insomnia Without Medication in the Comments Below
There are probably some things I left out in the article. Share your knowledge in the comments below about how you solve insomnia without medication.
Spirit Medium Laura
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