If you eat toxic foods and live a toxic lifestyle your body will seek to protect itself by insulating with fat. In other words you don’t get fat because you over ate. You get fat and ill because of the toxic diet and lifestyle you consume.
WEIGHT GAIN: Inflammation and weight gain.
inflammation and weight gain – Google Search
This morning I became very curious. I wanted to refresh my memory about why inflammation (FIRE) inside the body causes weight gain. So, as I am wont to do, I began to research it.
As I had mentioned before, I had lost weight as I began to eat a better diet. My intention was to eliminate anything toxic in my diet like the wrong oils, food additives, pesticides, etc. so I could increase my vitality.
Funny thing happened, I became very slender. I lost about 15 pounds of extra fat I did not know how to lose or even that I could lose.
FREE WEBINAR on how to lose weight by eating an anti inflammatory diet and living and anti inflammatory lifestyle can be obtained by entering your email here. You will be immediately transported to a webinar page jam packed with healthy, helpful information. Namaste, Spirit Medium Laura. Book private with me HERE.
At that time I had been getting sick about 4 to 6 times a year for 4 to 6 weeks at a time with a virulent upper respiratory infection. After a while, I started to think I was going to die!
My mother had died of lung cancer so I thought it was genetic. No it was inflammation!

Anyway, I went for a Health Coach Certification at that time because I loved to learn about health and natural healing. This certification taught me to eat an anti inflammatory diet as part of the L.E.A.N. health system they taught.
So today I decided to refresh my mind with the connection between inflammation in the body and getting fat. This is not a joke. It is about you and your healing to happiness. :)
WEIGHT GAIN: Inflammation and weight gain.
I am not kidding when I say that if you eat toxic foods and live a toxic lifestyle your body will seek to protect itself by insulating with fat. In other words you don't get fat because you over ate.
You get fat and ill because of "The sugar you eat, high doses of the wrong oils and fats in your diet, hidden food allergens, lack of exercise, chronic stress, and hidden infections.
[These all] trigger a raging, unseen inflammation deep in your cells and tissues.
And this inflammation leads to every one of the major chronic diseases of aging — heart disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, and more. It’s also by far the major contributor to obesity. Being fat is being inflamed — period!"
This quote is taken from http://drhyman.com/blog/2012/01/27/inflammation-how-to-cool-the-fire-inside-you-thats-making-you-fat-and-diseased/.
I love Dr. Hyman but he does over hype the "eat fat," thing. After I listened to him for a few shows, I started to eat fat and gained back five pounds almost immediately!
I think the hidden message here is "eat good fat."
Yes, there are good and bad fats and the difference between them is HEALTHY or DEAD! A bad fat (man made or processed in any way or coming from an animal not raised in the wild, etc.) can trigger such damage in your body it is "DEATH" on a platter for you.
Be VERY PICKY about the fats you eat. A fat as part of an organic avocado is brilliant. A fat from a cookie or cage raised grain fed chicken can be lethal! This is just one example.
I wanted to share this with you because I love you and want you to be healthy, vital and happy.
WEIGHT GAIN: Inflammation and weight gain.
FREE WEBINAR on how to lose weight by eating an anti inflammatory diet and living and anti inflammatory lifestyle can be obtained by joining my mailing list here. You will be immediately transported to a webinar page jam packed with healthy, helpful information. Namaste, Spirit Medium Laura. Book private with me HERE.