Weight Loss Success Stories: Finally. After many years of struggle to get myself in shape, I now consistently weight in at 120 pounds or thereabouts every morning. I am about 5’ 5” tall, so this is my ideal weight, that looks very good on me.

Part of the reason for this is that I actually do weigh myself, something I resisted for my entire life.
When I see the scale creeping up, which is rarely these days, my awareness moderates me back to a healthy lifestyle of balance.
I do not feel deprived as I eat more than enough food. It is the ratio of fiber to fat that is important for feeling full, staying thin and healthy.
Ratio: I eat as a rule, three parts lean (no or low fat) water based multi colored vegetables to one part lean (no or low fat) high quality protein (lean fish, fowl, nuts, legumes, etc.).
I minimize simple carbohydrates (sugars), but do allow myself one glass of red wine a day when I feel like it.
Exercise: Find something you love to do that is physical. Then add to that resistance training in key areas of the body. Most important muscles to tone are in thighs and hips as they are the largest, offering the most in anti-aging hormones, and caloric burn.
Also of major importance is the core muscle group as that area supports a lean line, and lumbar region back support. Lastly the upper body area, especially the arms, get really soft as you age, so this is another area I take special care in toning.
Weight Loss Success Stories: I do about 45 to 60 minutes a day of daily exercise combining resistance training, and cardio vascular.
Nutritional supplements. This will be covered in another article at a separate time.
Eliminating toxins. I take in enough filtered water, fiber and magnesium to ensure my system eliminates toxins. Drinking enough water is one of the most important elements of weight loss, anti-aging, health and longevity.
Hormones. When you exercise large muscle groups your body produces HGH, an anti-aging hormone. In addition to that as your body ages it produces less hormones. I take bio identical hormones prescribed by my wonderful M.D., which do wonders to keep me youthful and disease free.

Many individuals are confused about hormone replacement for women. The hormone that protects from cancer is progesterone. It moderates the amount of estrogen in the body, protecting you from having an unhealthy dominance of it.
Progesterone. Progesterone helps you maintain a healthy weight. Being over weight increases estrogen in the body. So if you are over weight you have a greater chance of getting cancer than if you are not!
Happiness. If you are not working and playing in your passion zones (talent and love to do) you will not be experiencing the joy you can have in life. Passionate work/play is one of the most important things you can do to balance your weight, mood, mental acuity and financial balance sheet.
One of my passions is my work as a Spirit Medium. This work is deeply validating for me, which is one of the reasons I am able to live in peaceful alignment with my inner self. This causes me to eat for health, but not to compulsively over eat to quell nerves of quiet desperation.
I have a passionate athletic hobby. I love to dance and do that socially as well as an avid ballet student still after all these years. Choosing to have a healthy diet and a healthy athletic hobby are other key ingredients to keeping the body in the lean zone.
I see so many people living lives of quiet desperation, not in alignment with their passionate soul purpose, think they are eating right for ideal weight, but ingest hidden calories without realizing it in fatty simple carbohydrate food choices and not the right kind of exercise.
Weight Loss Success Stories: I offer a psychic service calling Visioning, which helps individuals heal their inner self so their outer self reflects balance, peace and joy. Just choose the “Get Vision,” menu choice on this website for more information.
Spirit Medium Laura