What Are My Gifts? Thrive in Magical Abundance. Discover YOUR gifts to thrive with limitless living and magical abundance.
Abundance is more than a paycheck and food on your table. Abundance is flourishing in expression of your gifts, who you really are and finding the service behind it.
When you know this your life flows with a magic and magnificence unheard of without it. This may sound a bit over done, perhaps grandiose, but my life definitely has taught me this.
After struggling to “make it” in the corporate world for many years, I retired early as a millionaire, before I was 50 years old. In the “ground zero” of early retirement I discovered I did not know who I was or what my gifts really were.
Can you imagine a more impoverished state?
I now know exactly what my gifts are. Each day is an adventure. People come to me for help with problems that are seemingly insurmountable.
Spirit always pulls through. I sit as the intermediary to the miracle of spirit each day I work, flabbergasted at its rich presence, wisdom and power.
Since I “came out of the psychic closet” and finally started expressing my unique gifts, my life flows with an exceptional brilliance of protection, prosperity and purpose.
I know and value myself more.
So how do you know what your gifts are and how to open them?
How I Discovered My Gifts
Being a psychic was not something I desired to be. I did not value this gift one bit or iota. As mentioned above I value external ego based values.
I believe my soul created a path where I had no choice but to discover my gifts and then follow them. My soul created a conundrum so I would fulfill my life purpose and evolve.
I created the experience of losing all of my retirement nest egg with faulty investments. This forced me to reinvent myself.
While this Hindenburg disaster was slowly approaching I began to follow my deep seated interest in the paranormal and spiritual subjects.
I had begun channeling Divine Entities even to full trance without ever taking a class in it over 25 years earlier.
This was a true interest I had my entire life, but never thought practical to pursue.
My mother had been her whole life a medium and a psychic, but I thought it silly, not a solid pursuit, even though I had shown a natural proclivity to this work.
As my life began to fall apart I knew not what to do. I cried, fought fate, stamped my feet and bellowed.
Finally I succumbed. With this a magical thing happened. I was led, protected, inspired and finally found my destiny of true abundance through purpose.

So how do you discover your gifts?
Your gifts are probably sitting right in front of you staring you in your face. Your gifts are the things you always loved to do but did not because your life was setup not to express them.
I will say that again. Your life was set up by your soul to suppress expression of your gifts. This is part of your growth.
When you can see your true self and be it, you are progressing as a soul. It is the EGO, your ego, that stops this.
The ego can be used an acronym for Edging God Out. This means your ego will make you afraid to be yourself because it has created the false illusion that being yourself, expressing your gifts will somehow not be possible, practical or desirable.
This is the purpose of incarnation. It is to discover your gifts and then express them in service.
So the way to discover your gifts is to follow your instincts, intuition and daily inclinations to explore a new hobby, learn a new skill or do something you secretly love.
When you discover and then express your gifts your life leaves the world of limitations and becomes very magical indeed.
Normal rules of gravity no longer apply. You begin to fly like a butterfly. You become limitless.
An example of this is the following. As soon as I say to myself the following affirmation things happen just like magic.
How many affirmations do you do that work almost instantly?
The affirmation to help you discover your gifts is:
Wham! As soon as you say it magical things will happen. Why? Because your soul is waiting for you to ask to perform your life’s service based on your gifts.
This is why you incarnated. You incarnated to use your natural gifts and talents in service!
Spirit Medium Laura