What Happens When We Die. Real story about what happened at the moment of death for a mother who died in a fire, her pain and finally her release to spirit.
Yesterday had this really poignant mediumship discernment. As soon as I connected with my sitter at the beginning of the session I sensed his mother in spirit.
As well, the message came through for him about releasing a loss from the past and healing. At that time I did not know it was a message about his mother’s transition as we were sitting together for a session about his own life.
Finally his mother in spirit, after revealing various confirmed evidence about herself, relayed through me how it felt at the moment she transitioned to spirit.
She said she was in a lot of pain, I could feel her burning up but thought it was cancer as she did have that.
RELEASE TO WATER AT TRANSITION. She explained how suddenly she was released from her body into water and began to swim. At this point the pain stopped and she was out of her body going to spirit.

CURIOUS. First time I had never heard any transition where the soul started to swim in water at point of transition when doing mediumship.
REASON. Her son quickly explained she was killed tragically in a fire. He had had no closure of his loss, as this was unexpected.
It happened in part because his mother’s husband was cheating on her!
The mother in spirit relayed how she had been despondently smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol in bed, because her husband was out of the house again.
The mother in spirit said her husband had been out of the house often of late, with another woman. The son confirmed.
His mother went on to tell her son, not to worry about this loss any longer. Start to heal.
She said this over and over, “life continues, nothing is ever lost.”
There is much more that happened during this session, but I don’t have time now to relay. Have a beautiful, blessed day and know, life continues. Nothing is ever lost.
Namaste, Spirit Medium Laura
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Further Reading…
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