What Is It Like To Be A Medium

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What Is It Like To Be A Medium. Being a medium can be fun, exciting, joyful, exhilarating and scary (but not like you think).

Table of Contents

The following graphic is taken from my first graphic design about ghosts HERE. Explore this graphic on T-ShirtS, and other clothing further.

When Is It Scary? What Is It Like To Be A Medium

Well, it is important to start with the fact it is not scary to be a medium as in a horror movie. Never, not at all, have I ever had a negative experience in talking to spirit.

However, it can get a bit scary when you are sitting in front of a client and no one or nothing comes through or is correct. If I am feeling out of it or do not have a very clear mind, this can happen.

The more experienced you are as a medium, the less this happens.

I used to see “ghosts” when I was a child. They scared the heck out of me. After wailing and screaming that they would go away, they finally did.

Now, years later, I had to “work” a bit to bring them in again.

Then it is all about how alert and clear my mental faculty is. If I was out partying the night before and my mind was a bit gummy in the morning, this could create a bit of a slow start.

Today I did a wonderful discernment for a client. It was so clear. The client’s husband came in from spirit offering so many validated and clear messages.

He gave his wife, the sitter, a plan and blessing for the future in very specific detail. Some of the language he used gave the client “chills.”

The Journey – What Is It Like To Be a Spiritual Psychic Medium

Being a spiritual psychic medium is an intricate journey that intertwines the realms of the physical and spiritual. It is both a calling and a responsibility, characterized by a deep sensitivity to the energies that surround us.

For many, this path begins with an innate ability to sense things beyond the ordinary, often manifesting as heightened intuition or vivid dreams. I have had vivid dreams, some telepathic, most of my adult life.

Once I dreamed about a plane crashing on the runway at LaGuardia airport in New York (near where I lived at that time) during the winter. When I woke up, the news that morning was portraying this incident.

The life of a psychic medium is marked by constant learning and growth. Mediums often describe their abilities as a kind of language; it requires practice to interpret the subtle signs and messages from the spiritual world.

Spirit Language – What It Is Like to Be a Medium

For example, spirit has developed a way to tell me the soul in spirit took their own life. Such a soul will use the words “I am sorry,” at the start of their otherside connection through me.

Other ways spirit will communicate to me is by sending me emotions, visions, or literally channeling the voice of the soul in spirit to me. I hear all their words as if they are talking telepathically to me.

Each medium develops their unique way of receiving and relaying these communications, making the experience deeply personal.

Fulfillment and Challenge – What It Is Like to Be a Medium

Daily life as a medium can be both fulfilling and challenging. On one hand, the ability to connect individuals with their loved ones who have passed on can bring immense comfort and closure.

This aspect of the work is profoundly rewarding, as it allows the medium to facilitate healing and understanding.

However, this work also comes with its challenges.

The emotional weight of channeling messages from the deceased can be heavy. Mediums must learn to set boundaries to protect their own energy and maintain their mental health.

Even with the best of boundary setting I quite often feel the influx of information is overwhelming, and it becomes essential to practice self-care and grounding techniques.

I love to go ballroom dancing but usually cannot after a challenging session. I have to instead be meditative, take a quieting walk, and perhaps do some daydreaming.

I do this so I can recharge and become centered again.

Being Misunderstood – What It Is Like to Be A Medium

Being a medium can sometimes lead to misunderstandings. Many people hold skepticism or have misconceptions about what it means to be psychic. Navigating these societal views can be difficult, especially when one is simply trying to share a gift meant to help others.

Once a man I met socializing asked me what I did. When I told him I was a psychic, he asked, “You are psycho?”

He laughed and laughed, as did his friends, but I did not think that was funny. It definitely is representative of what the average person might perceive a psychic to be.

This can lead to a sense of isolation; many mediums find solace in communities of like-minded individuals who understand the unique challenges and joys of this path.

Sense of Purpose – What It Is Like To Be A Medium

On a brighter note, the connection to the spiritual realm often brings with it a sense of purpose. I do believe this work is my purpose.

I began my professional life in the software industry, however, I was led to this work because my subconscious programming led me here.

This journey, I believe, was not an accident, but rather the soul plan I made for myself before birth. I am certain your own life is not a coincidence, but rather a soul a plan you made for it.

Many mediums, myself included, feel guided by a higher power or a collective consciousness, which helps them navigate their own life challenges. This connection can provide insight into personal struggles, fostering a sense of resilience and spiritual growth.

As they delve deeper into their abilities, many mediums find themselves evolving, both spiritually and emotionally. This overlaps into their work, helping them deliver wisdom from spirit to their clients.

Ethics – What It Is Like To Be A Medium

Ethics play a crucial role in the life of a psychic medium. The responsibility of conveying messages accurately and compassionately cannot be overstated.

Mediums strive to honor the trust placed in them by clients, ensuring that their readings are conducted with integrity and respect. This ethical framework often shapes their practice, influencing how they deliver messages and interact with clients.

Please be aware many attracted to offer the service of mediumship do not necessarily carry an ethical awareness. It is up to you as a consumer to disregard those messages which do not seem to be accurate or coming from a higher spiritual intelligence.

Conclusion – What It Is Like To Be A Medium

In essence, being a spiritual psychic medium is a journey of connection—both with spirit, others and oneself. It demands a balance of empathy, intuition, and self-awareness.

For those called to this path, the rewards can be profound, offering not only the ability to heal others but also an opportunity for deep personal exploration.

The blend of joy, challenge, and responsibility creates a unique tapestry of experiences that shapes the life of a medium, guiding them through the intricate dance between the seen and the unseen.


Spirit Medium Laura

Book Your Private Appointment With Spirit Through Laura at www.BookLaura.com.

2 thoughts on “What Is It Like To Be A Medium”

  1. Hi Alissa, Sorry you feel so lost. Currently I am not doing free readings. However, I wanted to share a bit of insight I have gotten for you as i tune into your guides. You need to take a pause from psychic work to allow yourself to grow more, feel more independent and get started on a money making career. After that you will find your gifts will unfold over time. You cannot push spirit and you cannot rely on spirit for your money right now. You need money coming in unrelated to psychic work before you can unfold your gifts without stress or pushing. I hope this makes sense to you. In love and light, Laura

  2. Hi my name is Alissa Barnett do you do free readings I feel so lost and I have gifts but I just don’t understand them or don’t know what they are and just need guidance

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