What Is My Purpose In Life Quiz – Life Purpose Series 4

What Is My Purpose In Life Quiz. Begin to discover your purpose in life by doing the free quiz later in this article.

This article is part of the Life Purpose Series listed here:

FREE! What Is My Purpose In Life? Soul Archetype Quiz HERE.

Soul archetypes help you discover who you are and what you are on earth to do. They can help you discover your right work or service.

What is Natural to You?

Another very important way to discover your life purpose is to look at the work you naturally do, the way you serve and help people, naturally.

This is another important clue to understand YOU!

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What Comes Naturally To You?

Some Life Purpose Service Categories

EMOTIONAL SUPPORT. Let’s say you are very good at listening to others when they have problems. You seem to be present for another when they are emotionally in turmoil or suffering.

This would be a clue. This could mean you a naturally gifted counselor or therapist.

SPORTS. Maybe you are great at sports. I had a childhood girlfriend like this. She had a talent for eye-hand coordination which evidenced during any street game we played.

It was obvious her “service” would have something to do with sports. Although I fell out of touch with her, I hope she became an athlete, physical education teacher or sports professional of some type.

ART/CREATIVITY. During elementary school, I won awards for art. I had no idea what I was doing, but when a canvas was put in front of me the entire classroom obscured for timeless hours as I melted into the moments of creativity.

Perhaps you are excellent at cooking, painting, crocheting, woodwork, building houses, interior decorating?

HEALTH. When I was young I was naturally interested in diet and nutrition. I was able to remember everything taught to me on this subject with great ease. It was like I knew it before I learned it.

Today I am a Certified Health Coach and Health Medium who can easily see into the body with not only nutritional insight but as well overall health conditions.

These are just a few ideas about how your life purpose could be linked to what you naturally are good at doing.

Free What Is My Purpose In Life Quiz.   Stock Photo
What Totally Emerges You Into a Timeless State?

What Is My Purpose In Life Quiz

Here is a little quiz you can take right now to help you discover what your life purpose is.


  • Start by getting a blank sheet of paper and having a pen ready.
  • Take a brief meditation or period of prayer to access your intuitive self.
  • Here is a youtube.com video which could help create this state.

Life Purpose Quiz

  • What did you excel at as a child? Writing, drawing, sports, building, board games, outdoor adventure, etc.
  • What do you naturally for others? Listening to people’s problems, giving money or help, offering advice for mental, emotional or physical healing, escorting a friend somewhere, fixing a mechanical problem, helping with sewing, hair dressing, makeup, cooking, etc.
  • What are you complimented for doing? Cooking, hospitality, being popular, kind heartedness, charitable work or donations, seeking and supporting the underdog, being rich, beautiful or powerful, etc.
  • Have you ever won any awards? What for?
  • When you want to have fun what do you choose to do? Hike in nature, dance, concerts, beach time, watch sunset, fly a plane, navigate a boat, go on a trip to a foreign country, etc.
  • Where do you spend the most time? Socializing or talking to others, alone with a good book, studying spiritual self development subjects, playing pickleball or game, etc.
  • What have you done that you really love, but were never successful at doing? I pursued acting career when younger but was not successful at it. I still loved it, though.
  • What seems to get you really angry, antagonize and frustrate you? You might get triggered when someone suggests you are not good enough or in some way suggests you have failed at something.
  • What seems to depress you the most, cause you the most grief? Use money, health or love as categories.
  • What are you doing when time just flies, like you get so emerged you have no sense of time? This is related definitely to your purpose.
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Take Time to Daydream About You

Understanding the “What Is My Purpose In Life Quiz” Results

There is no right or wrong answer to this quiz. It is here to stimulate your self discovery process.

It is important to note, however, that everyone is born with a specific set of gifts which are supposed to be used in service to others.

These gifts or gift is something that will be natural to you. You can study it to further hone your skills, but your training will feel natural to you, almost like you entered this life with this gift already developed.

Newsflash! You have soul skills!

For example when I was younger I used to get all these messages about people after I met them for the first time.

On one occasion after a family social event, I got into a conversation with my father about someone we met at the party.

He and I just jammed and jammed all about the person, but in a way that was not normal. We were reporting all things about this person even though we had never met them before.

I did, at one point, think to myself, “Wow. What is this? Daddy does this too?”

I did not know my father could “see” like I did. I didn’t even know this was psychic. What I did know however, is that most other people as far as I knew didn’t do this.

This was a psychic perception right into the soul of the new person we just met.

So I had had many many clues in my history as to what my purpose in life was, my specific gifts of service.

But just because you can see this or that thing about yourself, it does not mean you can know your life purpose. Discovering and defining it may be obvious for you or hidden.

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Your Purpose Might Seem Hidden But It Is There

What to Do If You Still Can’t See Your Life Purpose


The best route to follow if you feel obscured from your unique Dharma (work service) is to try different activities that you feel attracted to do. If something calls to you, give it a try.

Remember you planned your life before you were born, so your intuition will gently guide you to your Dharma (life work purpose) by giving you a feeling of attraction to it.


Then when you experiment with it, if you discover you are good in this or that activity, encourage and develop it.

Even if you are in the wrong career today you can choose the right career later. I started my psychic business later in life.

I can tell you this, if you are doing the work you are meant to do this lifetime, it will feel stimulating, fun and natural.


So this is another clue as to how to find your purpose in life. What feels natural to you?

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What Feels Natural to You?


In closing finding your life purpose does not have to be hard, frustrating or mysterious.

The secret is to Let Go of trying to do something you do not like. When you force yourself to do something you hate, you are creating disease within your energy body, which can lead to illness.

It is extremely important to find the work your love, are talented to do and naturally excel at. Not only is abundance built right into it, but the energy of your soul plan will lead you along with serendipitous coincidences and guidance.

You life will flow and flourish rather than challenge and choke you.

You will feel FREE!

When you are on point for your purpose you will meet the right people who will support you. You will more than likely meet your right love partner, or if you soul plan is to be alone, you will find this exhilarating and rewarding.

These pages will add depth to what has been presented above.

Soul Abundance Introduction

SUMMARY – What Is My Purpose In Life Quiz

In summary the quiz to find your purpose would include exploring your past, what you do well, what you love to do and finally what you dislike doing.

Within the answers to each of these questions is your purpose at times hidden at times as clear as the nose on your face.

FREE! What Is My Purpose In Life? Soul Archetype Quiz HERE.

Sending you love and blessings,

Spirit Medium Laura

Book Your Private Appointment with Spirit through Laura at www.BookLaura.com

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