What is The Tao? The Tao is The Secret for Manifesting. When we become one with the Tao, our natural manifesting power activates.
Here is a definition of what Tao is from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taoism.
“Taoism (/ˈtaʊ-/), or Daoism (/ˈdaʊɪzəm/, /ˈdaʊ-/), is a philosophical tradition of Chinese origin which emphases living in harmony with the … the source, pattern and substance of everything that exists. “
Channeled Message from the Ones.
“Manifesting is the soul expressing itself on the earth plane as a deity within a physical experience.
Manifesting is possible only when one realizes the deity within themselves first. Once they get this, then manifesting is effortless.
One might say manifesting is no longer needed.
The deity within the self is the soul expressing its nature as a full being with complete omnipotence.
Yes, you are NOT the ultimate deity, but you are a fractional component of the All That Is, having all the same qualities and talents, in a micro-encapsulated form.
You have the power of creation within you.
It is only when you accept this aspect of self can you begin to access the power within.
The Tao in relation to this means you accept yourself, your power, your mind, your heart and your magnificence.
As a magnificent being you do not want for anything
This is what we mean when we say you will manifest as a deity. When you know you are magnificent already, you do not walk around complaining, disdaining or refraining.
You begin to flow in the absolute acceptance of everything and we mean everything as WONDERFUL!
God would not complain, you know! So you as an aspect of God does not complain.
You as an aspect of God only knows love, compassion and JOY!
Be your best self always as an aspect of God. Then you will find The Tao appears, rescuing you from the mundane to the higher plane of love.
Amen, Namaste,”
If we as a species can learn to accept what is, live in accordance to what already exists in our lives, embrace it, we would be practicing The Tao.
When we do this AND set intention to manifest a goal, we become VERY POWERFUL indeed.
The Secret to manifesting anything in our life is to set intention while in the seat or soul of the I AM; within the seat of The Tao.
It is only when we accept reality as ideal for us, can our intentions take root, can we embed our intention into The Tao.
Rather than resist what is,accept, embrace and love it.
Every day practice a meditation of simply being.
Add to this a list of gratitude for everything you have including what you might call undesirable.
Within our negatives are the seeds of our desires. Therefore honoring, being grateful for our negatives, will flow to us the new.

This is the Law of Non Resistance, which is a simplified version of The Tao.
Relinquish control. Do not Resist what is. Go with the flow.
The soil of reality then becomes ready for seeding with our thought desires.
We can then ask and the universe delivers.
Spirit Medium Laura
Book your private appointment with your Angelic Guides through Laura at www.BookLaura.comhttp://www.BookLaura.com.
When we learn to not resist reality, but rather accede to it, we