What Is It Like To Be a Psychic Medium – FAQs. This post will reveal what it is like to be a psychic medium by the questions developing mediums ask in the Mediumship Development Reading Exchange Facebook Group. This list will be expanded over time.

What Is It Like To Be a Psychic Medium – Staying Connected
Question: I can receive some lovely messages from spirit but I struggle to hold onto the link is there any advice you can give me that can keep the flow moving?
Short answer, you probably have trouble concentrating due to anxiety about the reading or difficulty focusing in general.
Suggest, daily meditation, and ways to prepare the client. They have to be as relaxed as you.
Read my booking page to see how I prepare the client and myself before a session. Following a similar practice could help. My booking page is www.BookLaura.com.
Follow a really good mindful preparation for yourself. This is my meditation practice these days. It has helped me.https://spiritmediumlaura.com/how-to-mediumship-meditation/
Once you get your mind in that deep trance and can keep it there everything should fall into place. Let me know if this resonates or if you have further questions.
P.S. Afterwards I also thought about blood sugar levels and how that can affect ability to concentrate. Diet is important for mediums too.
You do not want to be too full or too hungry. I usually only eat a light vegan snack before a sitting and that would be about 1 hour beforehand. So take a look at that too, ok?
This is a link for training on how to go into a deep trance for mediumship.
What Is It Like To Be a Psychic Medium – Multiple Spirits
Question: Can anyone give input on how to handle multiple spirits coming through at once? How to differentiate and maybe ask the others to step aside for a few minutes? Also is this common?
I just had this happen today with a client. After a little back and forth with the sitter we realized we had two souls with us.
This is perfectly normal, just like two people showing up for a conversation with you. After we realized this had happened all the evidence fell into place.
In order to trust what you get from spirit you need to do the right preparation before a sitting. Read my booking page to see what I do to prepare for a sitting HERE.
After doing this you should trust each tiny bit of information you receive.
Be sure to follow these two basic steps to manage this.
1. Ask your spiritual guides (aka your Gatekeeper) before a session to send in only one soul at a time (or whatever you need) can help.
2. Being in an altered state of mind for connection is the ultimate foundation for success.
Summary: Ask guides. Be in altered state.

What Is It Like to be a Psychic Medium? Holes in the Auric Field.
Question: What are your thoughts on holes/rips in the auric field? My reiki master taught us how to feel for these rips.
More about this question.
In shamanic theory (and something I have personally seen first hand unfold.) When someone goes through something traumatic their soul can leave the body.
Usually, after a while, the soul will come back. But the hole remains in their auric field. This leaves the soul more vulnerable to leave again… someone with a lifetime of trauma and no effort to heal will have an auric field that looks like Swiss cheese.
These holes allow or causes the soul to pop in and out anytime there is even a minor disturbance. Sometimes, in rare cases, the soul gets to a point where they do not want to return.
Leaving an empty vessel behind. It’s a theory not everyone agrees with, but I think at some point everyone has encountered a person like this. You see this with homeless veterans…. I’ve also seen this unfold a few times with people dear to me.

Answer from Spirit Medium Laura.
Lauren Desiree there are many technique to view the auric field, so that first must be explored. 🙂
BIO ENERGY FIELD. Once, I went to someone who took pictures of my aura using some equipment. It literally showed a hole in my aura around my throat. The next day I had a deathly sore throat and virus. I think their equipment was measuring my bio-energy field.
ETHERIC ENERGY FIELD. Then there are more subtle energies that can reflect the soul’s journey at an etheric level.
I might have seen holes in energy fields when I look clairvoyantly. I don’t remember right now.
What I do know is to pay attention to what you see, then allow spirit to give you its meaning. This is what I teach in the courses at www.SpiritMediumCoach.com.
If you saw a hole in someone’s etheric energy field, their aura, you should allow spirit to tell you what that means. There is not one interpretation.
Thanks for sharing.
Resource: Here is my article on how to get into an altered state for mediumship.
Resource: FREE seminar by Suzanne Giesemann on how to do mediumship.

I will be adding to this post over time.
Resource: Mentoring with Medium Laura
I offer one on one mediumship mentoring for anyone who desires or needs it. This is recommended after you have had training and begun doing professional readings. Go HERE to book.
Resource: Soul Psychic Healer Mediumship Certification.
Four month self pace video course. Go HERE.