What Is A Soul Mate?
Channeled Answer from The Ones.
Soul Mates are those individuals that activate our evolution from fear to love.
They are a tool used by our soul to hit the core feelings of our being to get our full attention.
With full attention lessons can be learned.
The core of our being is stimulated by the illusion of finding love, then losing it, then trying to find it again.
Love cannot be found anywhere but inside the self. Love cannot be had from another individual or from outside the self.
Love is the self expressing kindness.
Take these ideas, sit quietly and meditate upon them focusing on your heart center, your Heart Chakra. You will awaken the wonderful power of love within you.
This love feels like a soft, quiet calm that sits within you, not in judgement of the external world, but rather a feeling of sweet empathy, deep acceptance of all that is, of the self and others.
You will find you become magnetic to love as you awaken the love within you.
When you find this you will no longer be seeking love. You will be seeking to share the love you already have. This is kindness.
Look to not what love can do for you, but what you can do for love.
Channeled by The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura

Today I was working with a client. She had encountered a very passionate connection, which activated a very painful outcome.
She had found a soul mate, a soul who had agreed with her soul to meet this life time, to trigger growth. This soul was to help her evolve from Healing to Happiness.
As we worked together a mirror of complimenting issues was revealed between them. Both had experienced abandonment by their opposite gender parent while still children.
Their souls set up a plan to meet as adults, find a passionate connection, then lose each other, echoing their abandonment issues.
This in turn offered healing and growth for each individual.
My client could use this echo to clear the abandonment issues she had. This in turn could prepare her to attract a more healthy partner.
With healing she would no longer be in polarity to attract others with abandonment issues.
If you are going through a breakup or are emerged in an inharmonious relationship, realize this is there for your growth.
There is a reason you are “glued” to this situation. You need healing.
When you can “get” this you can let go of the lesson and move into more harmonious loving connections devoid of drama, disappointment and delusion.
Spirit Medium Laura
Book your private session with your guides through Laura at www.BookLaura.com
Here is a book on healing yourself you might find helpful.
Healing the Child Within: Discovery and Recovery for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families. Audible Audiobook