When To Stay Or Go In A Relationship. Relationships can be painful, but learning from them is their gift.
Yesterday I did a session for a client. I did not know what was going on in her life, but as usual, the Guides came in and delivered the first message.
She was told to stay in a relationship that was troubling her, rather than leave, because there would be growth there for her.
Should We Endure Painful Relationships? When To Stay Or Go In A Relationship
When we are in painful relationships we have a chance for growth, however, this is NOT automatic.
You have to want to “get” the growth, to release the negative emotional pull of the relationship. This is what growth means.
It means that the suffering subsides, that those around us no longer can hurt us, because we have improved the relationship we have with our self.
We can gain emotional well being, improved sense of worthiness and inner peace.

Abusive Relationships – When To Stay Or Go In A Relationship
Please note, if you are in a physically or emotionally abusive relationship, ending it in terms of physical exposure for safety and space to heal yourself is imperative.
However, shifting physical presence does not end that relationship. Abusive relationship live within us.
If we physically leave an abusive relationship we still have to heal the relationship we have with our self.

Eckart Tolle The Power of Now
Eckart Tolle speaks about shifting from fear and anxiety to becoming peaceful.
Here is just one quote from Eckart Tolle about finding inner peace.
“Don’t look for peace. Don’t look for any other state than the one you are in now; otherwise, you will set up inner conflict and unconscious resistance.
Forgive yourself for not being at peace. The moment you completely accept your non-peace, your non-peace becomes transmuted into peace.
Anything you accept fully will get you there, will take you into peace. This is the miracle of surrender.”— Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now.
How to Find Peace – When To Stay Or Go In A Relationship
In the Soul Abundance healing system channeled through me by the Guides, the first step is Let Go. Letting Go is the surrender of the anxiety, the resistance, the distress, emotional discord.
Before I go into how to Let Go of Resistance and Surrender, I want to summarize the LOVE Soul Abundanc steps.
- Let Go of Resistance. This provides the peaceful neutrality to engage in your awakening.
- Open to your true self. Start feeling and realizing what brings you JOY.
- Vibrate at the frequency of JOY. Consciously choose to live at the vibration of joy, rather than the lower vibration of anxiety and worry.
- Engage your GOD flow (Guidance, Opportunity and Destiny). This is you awakening to intuition where you are guided in a peaceful flow of joy. Life supports, rather than fights, you.
Ah, all of this sounds great, but doing it can take a life time, perhaps many life times.

Being Peaceful is Worth It – When To Stay Or Go In A Relationship
Learning how to be peaceful it is absolutely worth it. When you are living in the flow of Soul Abundance, you will accomplish great things.
Life will become smoother. Relationships in conflict will melt away.
This last statement is complex. It does not mean another person will do what you want, or stop hurting you.
Rather it means you will no longer be triggered by this other person. You will become complete in your connection to your soul, your infinite self, leading you to a deeper foundation of worthiness as a person.
I will give you one example. The other day my older sister told me to “Stifle it.”
I was about to go into a long monologue about something I hated to do, that she absolutely loved to do.
At first I felt like she had slapped me across my face, but a part of me didn’t really care what she thought of me, whether she supported me or found my pain her concern.
My anger at her just melted away.
When we are living in our true authentic identity, when we are fulfilling our soul purpose, something shifts in us.
We become magical indeed. Conflicts with humans melt away. Our identity is no longer defined by them.
We become bulletproof as we align with LOVE. LOVE is our true self, our infinite self, our aligned self with a higher power.
LOVE is the I AM.

How to Let Go
As mentioned above the first step to align with LOVE, is to Let Go. The easiest way to begin this process is to meditate.
When you do a mindful meditation daily you will find what bothers you melts away. You become bulletproof.
Some of you who know me might remember this story, but at the risk of repeating myself I will share.
When I was working for the largest software company in the world in the 1990s, I became very uncertain of collecting the value of my awarded stock options.
These are like employee bonuses for excellence in service.
Suddenly I had a new manager who seemed “out to get me.” He would follow me around, check up on sales calls I did with clients and evaluate my every move.
I now realize he was probably trying to validate his new position as a manager, as he had no prior experience.
As I tried to endure this I became more and more anxious, unhappy and dysfunctional.

Finally, I decided to get some counseling on how to handle the situation from a Minister in Church of Religious Science (aka Science of Mind). This is a metaphysical church.
Instead of counseling me, the Minister simply taught me to meditate. I would go to his office expecting to discuss THE PROBLEM and then THE SOLUTION.
Instead he would gently direct me to observe my left thumb on my left thigh.
I was confused, but I did not know what else to do, so I did what he said.
To my surprise after about one to two weeks I started to calm down. The trauma of work started to subside.

Everything Is Going to Be Just Fine – When To Stay Or Go In A Relationship
I had a sense in me that everything was going to be just fine.
When you THINK about it, everything might not have been just fine. I could have lost my job, for example, and all the stock options I had earned would be lost.
But something in me shifted. I had connected through meditation with an inner power I had never known before, an inner peace.
Within a couple more weeks, this new manager suddenly lost his job! He was moved laterally into another position where he could do less damage.
I was placed under another manager who was excellent. I began to thrive again and fulfilled my dream of collecting the vested value of the stock options.
I was relieved to say the least.

Meditation Opens the I AM
When we meditate we train our thinking brain, the brain that causes anxiety, to observe the I AM inside of us.
This I AM is infinite intelligence. Some might call this God, a higher power, our infinite self.
We begin to realize our infinite nature. This I AM never dies, knows no suffering, is omnipotent in potential and practice.
As my awareness of the I AM grew in me, I began to realize there could be no loss. If I lost my job the I AM would take care of everything.
If any of you are in stressful relationships I suggest meditation. It will lead you away from anxiety into a newfound peace within you where GOD flow takes over.

You will be led.
Problems will evaporate.
Ideas will emerge.
Life will support you.
Meditation is only the first step to achieving what you deeply desire in this life time, but I will save that for another article.
The Guides and Spirit Medium Laura