Where Do Pets Go When They Die? Where Do Pets Go When They Die. Through many communications with pets in the after life, I have concluded that pets go where human souls go intact, lucid and demonstrating they are more aware of life than their human counterparts realize.
Yesterday I had to put my dear cat Sassie down. She had lived about 17.5 human years on earth, which is about 122 cat years! It was a joyful, active life.
My message to Sassie, “R. I. P. beautiful Sassie. I know you’re no longer suffering. May you enjoy your journey Over the Rainbow Bridge.💜”
PSYCHIC ASPECTS. Although I am a psychic medium, I had no expectations about communications between myself and Sassie during this time. Turns out quite a bit of rich psychic communication occurred between myself and Sassie.
Here is a brief overview.
Sassie visited me in a dream last night. I was amazed in the dream because she was so ALIVE, almost as if she was saying, she lives with me now in a different world.
She had her litter box, food, water, sunshine, a nice home, etc. I was so shocked in the dream that she was so young, healthy and vibrant.
Two days after her transition she visited me in an earlier dream. She appeared like grey energy forming into the shape of a cat.
I think she was just getting used to appearing in a dream. Appearing in dreams is a skill some souls have to develop after crossing over, according to “Journey of Souls” book..
When I realized it was her, I felt so relieved that she was fine.
About 2 weeks before her transition I had had 2 precognitive dreams. In these dreams a white cat was sucking the life out of Sassie’s neck, asphyxiating her.
It turned out that Sassie had transitioned because she could no longer breath, probably from congestive heart failure.
Right after I had the dreams, I saw a black crow outside my door and said to myself, “Someone is going to pass, I wonder who it is.”
I was not thinking about Sassie, (even though she was 17.5 human years old, about 122 cat years, and already sick.)
When she could no longer breath I knew it was time. She lived a long, good life.

When my other cat died two years earlier I had a visitation from her the morning after she died. I was awakened from a deep sleep as her astral body meowed loudly from the floor next to my bed to say, “Hello.”
As I awoke she disappeared. I haven’t seen her since.
In client sessions pets come through as lucidly as any human. They tell me things so detailed, afterwards I wonder if a spirit guide were doing the communicating for them.
One recently caught my attention. I was in session with a client and she asked if any of her pets would come through.
As I described a tiger cat, which she validated she knew, I suddenly heard the words, “I am sorry for the way I left you.”
My client said she did not understand this for the cat, but her large bull dog’s transition had been unexpected and traumatic. The dog continued to explain all the details surrounding his death, as my client sobbed.
This was important for my client to hear. She had never quite gotten over the loss of her dog, since it happened so suddenly and traumatically.
The dog was able to come in and bring to my client a loving message to heal. He was safe and continued in spirit.
There are so many stories like this from pets on the other side. Another client had contracted me to find out how her cat had died.
After the cat visually showed his form to me and was validated by the sitters, the cat went into a story of being taken to the vet because he was vomiting.
At the vet they gave him a medication for nausea calling it Dramamine. Later I validated this drug is commonly used for nausea in pets. After the dosage, the cat had an adverse reaction, fell asleep and never awoke.
The details of what happened were all validated. The sitters did not realize that the cat died because of an allergic reaction to the drug. This helped them gain closure.
So if you wonder whether your pet lives on or not, be certain they do.
Spirit Medium Laura
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