Where is your magic?

The universe is listening and speaking to you in the language of flow. Listen and your life will have magic.

Today my computer suddenly crashed.  Five years ago I would have panicked.  Today I simply said, “OK, this is interesting.”

I knew I would be led and protected, particularly if I did not resist what had happened with fear.

Magical Flow (Photo credit: Navins)

I had an amusing time visiting Office Depot.  A customer asked my sales attendant where she could get a folder to hold the restraining order she was going to serve her sociopathic boyfriend.  (Not kidding.)

He had threatened to kill her the night before after being released from jail.  All this was delivered in a refined accent as her silent big eyed cream colored Chihuahua looked up at us from her arms.

Within two hours I had my new computer up and running and had a plan to easily retrieve my old data.  All my e-books were on the crashed computer and not backed up!

As I straightened some papers on my dining room table, I thought, “I need some unexpected cash to cover this unexpected expense.”

Just as I finished the thought the phone rang.  It was unexpected cash!

The universe is listening and speaking to you in the language of flow.  Listen and your life will have magic.

I teach how to activate your flow in two classes.  One is Intuitive Magic:   Create Your Holistic Business and the other is Intuitive Living for Magical Flow (aka LOVE Your Life:  Abundance Activation.)

When your flow is activated you mend your karma.

NOTE: Laura Mendelsohn is a psychic medium, entrepreneur, author, teacher, public speaker and media guest. With 45+ metaphysic exposure, Laura’s life purpose and passion is to help you fulfill your dreams with SoulTalk.  Laura can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or PsychicMediumLaura@Gmail.com to set your private appointment or join one of her classes.

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