WHITE MAGIC: Does Spiritual Magic Work?

WHITE MAGIC:  Does Spiritual Magic Work?   The answer is YES!  And I love it.  I have done White Magic several times in my life.  Always it worked for me, especially in the area of love.  Always.

Lately I am very drawn to manifesting using spiritual symbolism, otherwise known as White Magic.  I am even considering refocusing my business in this direction.

Why?  Well, we are always changing and evolving.  I think I am now reliving aspects of another life time where I was a White Witch!

glowing church candlesYes, you heard me right.  I always loved Fairy Tales when I child, having a lifelong affinity for manifesting metaphysics, but now my interest and alacrity has resurfaced with great force.

I love White Magic for many reasons.  Here are some of them.

  1. PLANTS the SEED of INTENTION.  There is no more powerful way I know of to plan the seed of intention to the universe than with a spiritual metaphor of what you desire.  White Magic inherently does this with the symbolic action surrounding desired outcome.
  2. FOCUSES the MIND.  It helps people focus their mind on their intention better.  When one does a spiritual ceremony or ritual, their mind naturally will focus on the action at hand.  When focused, the mind can plant the seed of intention into the energy matrix with powerful efficacy.  Without focus this cannot happen.
  3. MAGNIFIES the EMOTION.  It helps people magnify their emotion while seeding their intention.  Emotion is another magical elixir of manifesting.  It is like the jet fuel from which the universe creates.  The more power you have behind your intention the quicker and more saliently it occurs in the physical universe.
  4. LETs it GO to LET GOD.  It has built into it the release aspect of manifesting, the letting go.  If you are familiar with Law of Attraction or The Secret, planting the seed of what you want to the universe by setting intention is important.  Releasing that seed to grow is just as important.  Those who ask will not receive unless they have learned to place their belief in a higher power that manifests for them.  So White Magic has release built into it.
  5. ORGANIZES CHAOS to CONSTRUCTIVE ENERGY – MAGIC.  When you do a ceremony, a symbolic spiritual metaphor, you are taking a disorganized situation and organizing it to fit your intention.  This is MAGIC.   This is literally an organization of energy from chaos to construction.  VERY IMPORTANT!

OK.  So how the heck do you do magic?  Well, I do not like to do the same thing all the time.  I recommend these steps to help you get in touch with your intuition to create some yourself from your creative mind, your soul.

  1.  Let Go in meditation.  Allow yourself to daydream a bit about what you want.  Stop fussing about what you do not have.  Let go of that.  Simply begin to daydream about your ideal desire fulfilled.
  2. Open this idea into metaphor.  Write down what it is you want, then start looking around your environment to find things to represent these desires.  Here are some ideas.
    1. Candles.  Candles represent transformation from one type of energy to another.
    2. Colors.  The color of the candle is important too.  A pink candle can stand for unconditional love.  A white candle clearing energy.  A green candle money or abundance.  The definition of each color to what you want is also possible, but it is better to look for universal symbols when you do white magic, because part of the reason it works is that it comes from the collective mind.
    3. Aromatherapy.  Different therapeutic grade oils can augment and enhance your process.  Again each oil stands for something.  Rose Petal oil is the highest of all oil frequencies and can be used often in many manifesting ceremonies.
    4. Gemstones.  Each gemstone has a vibration which attracts what it represents into your life through the power of entrainment.  Choose your gemstone to enhance your white magic ceremony intuitively with great care.
    5. Burning a symbol.  When you burn something and release the resulting ashes into the wind or flowing water, you are symbolically releasing that intention to the universe for fulfillment.  Some symbols might be a lock of hair, a cut out paper doll or a picture of a symbol.  A dream dictionary might be helpful here to see what symbols represent what outcome.
  3. Vibrational Alignment.  Take the steps with your symbols to create a story of what you want.
    1. Action.  Walking can symbolize something coming to you.  Dancing around as you recite your prayer can symbolize raising energy to help produce desired outcome.  Think about what actions mean something to you and incorporate into your own white magic.
  4. Embrace the GOD flow.  Soon you will find yourself having magical coincidences, synchronicity, which will lead you to your desired outcome.  Learning how to follow the magic is just as important as creating it.

Here is some channeling from the Ones on White Magic.

Dear Spiritual Guides, do you have anything to say about manifesting with white magic?

We work with you on your life plan all of you.  Each of you has something you desire in your life, not only one person, you all desire something.

It is the basic nature of the human being to want.  It is because in your dimension to experience the illusion of not having.

Love is an interesting topic to disseminate.  For within this topic so much lack, loss and suffering exist.

Love is somethign you have already.  Each of you does not know this, but each of you is a product of love, the very creative nature of the the universe.  Without love you would not exist.  Love is creation.

So when you feel you do not have love it is the perfect expression of living in a dimension where lack is the existing condition.  It is the metaphor at hand.

Keep this thought for a minute.

So you feel you do not have love.

Then you want love.

Then you do a Spiritual Metaphor to attract love.  And love comes to you.  Why?  Because you tricked yourself into believing you did something to bring the love to you.

Then you feel love is there.

So Spiritual Metaphor or White Magic is a tool you can use to believe you have already that which you want.


The ones through Spirit Medium Laura.”

Buy White Magic Books, Candles, Aromatherapy Oils and Gemstones in Laura’s Metaphysical store on Amazon.com.  Go HERE to shop.

Study how to do White Magic in The SUCCESS ACADEMY HERE.

Book a private session with Spirit Medium Laura HERE.