Why Is It Important to Find Your Purpose in Life? Power, passion andprosperity are all byproducts of living your purpose.
This article is part of the Life Purpose Series listed here:
- Why Is It Important to Find Your Purpose in Life?
- How Do You Find Your Purpose In Life?
- How to Find the Right Career for Me
- What Is My Purpose In Life Quiz
- How to Get Into a Flow State
If you are now in a good position and have lovely things but feel unfulfilled with your life, it is most likely because you are not living your actual purpose. Your soul planned a precise purpose for you this life time before you were born.
Why Is It Important to Find Your Purpose in Life? Dysfunction & Disruption
I had worked very hard to retire early as a millionaire in my late 40s. When I arrived at this goal, much to my surprise, all I felt was emptiness, wondering who I was almost on a daily basis.
In addition, I had lost my marriage because I attracted my counterpart to emptiness and lost all my money because my soul had planned I learn certain lessons and use my true gifts in service this life time.
While one might say all life lessons are good, it would be much better to start with the energy of your purpose supporting you in life rather than your lack of awareness banging you around in a hurricane of dysfunction and disruption.

Takeaway: The soul is in charge, not the ego.
I knew I had a natural ability to channel spirit, but I never thought for one second I was to use this gift in service, that it would bring me great satisfaction or that it would be easier to do for me than any other thing I had ever done.
I felt like I knew spiritual truth and lessons before they were taught to me. Everything came very naturally.
As I pursued this new field of spiritual service, I learned how our purpose controls the energy that supports our endeavors.
For example, I worked really hard in the software industry to make that money. However, when I decided to work using my spiritual gifts in service, I did not have to work that hard.
Things just flowed to me.
It was like the wind was in my sails.
If these ideas sound strange to you, let me quote the famous late mythologist Dr. Joseph Campbell.
“If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Wherever you are — if you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment, that life within you, all the time.“

Why Is It Important to Find Your Purpose in Life? Gain Access to Flow of Prosperous Energy
So another reason why it is important for you to know your purpose is to gain access to this wonderful energy which will support your efforts in this life time.
When I discovered I could channel I did not know it was my purpose. I didn’t even know having a purpose had value. I looked at this ability more like a weird feature of mine, rather than a life purpose. (big smile at ya!)
Every morning when I would put on the television to watch the news, I would envy the commentators. They seemed to be living a very exciting life with a purpose, identity and service.
Although I was relieved to not have to work so hard any more, I had this new anxiety. It was this strange feeling of emptiness, which I attempted to dismiss as peacefulness.
But this “peacefulness” brought with it dramatically conflicted interpersonal relationships.
My marriage was challenged and ended because the person I married was a controller. He could not help but boss and order me around, in all areas, micromanaging me like his property, insisting what hobbies I should have and what I should do in my spare time.
Can you imagine how dysfunctional a relationship could be if one person in it lacked identity or purpose while the other lacked personal boundaries and could not stop controlling?
It was a disaster.
If I had had a sense of personal identity, a sense of my life purpose, when I met him, I probably would have found him amusingly dysfunctional, but I would not have been energetically misaligned with him.
My emptiness was attracted to his need to control.
There were other relationships later that failed due to my lack of purpose and identity. I discovered from them how dangerous not having a sense of personal value and self esteem from purpose can be.
Why Is It Important to Find Your Purpose in Life? Your Life Purpose Can Ground You
Your purpose grounds you, awakens your personal power, self worth, value and grace. It holds within it a directing energy which is benevolent. This energy is the foundation of abundance.

Why Is It Important to Find Your Purpose in Life? Gain Great Satisfaction
Your conscious and spiritual self will not be able to rest until you have accomplished your life goals. It is really crucial that you uncover your purpose and learn how to live your life in a way that will serve it.
After all, everyone’s life on earth comes to a conclusion. Would you rather know at its conclusion, you found and completed your mission in life or would you rather go not knowing what your purpose was and never accomplishing its mission?
In other articles I will address the fundamentals of determining your genuine life purpose and present you with some suggestions to assist you in determining it.

Why Is It Important to Find Your Purpose in Life? Fill The Missing Gap
Are you someone who wakes up happy every day and believes that everything in your life is going well, or are you someone who feels that something is missing but can’t quite put their finger on it?
If you fall into the latter category, it’s because you haven’t yet identified your genuine calling in life.
Why Is It Important to Find Your Purpose in Life? Remedy Restlessness
If you want to be happy, you need to live your life in a way that serves your purpose. Those who do not discover their genuine calling frequently find themselves wandering aimlessly through life, unsure of why they are here.
Why Is It Important to Find Your Purpose in Life? Increase Passion, Drive and Motivation
They will also struggle to stay motivated, and no matter how many goals they achieve, they will still feel a hole deep within their essence. All of these negative consequences of not discovering your life’s purpose can be detrimental to your emotional health and slowly sap your motivation to succeed.
The First Step to Discover of Your Purpose

For some people, determining their genuine calling might be a challenging undertaking because they are unsure where to begin.
However, you should start looking for your life’s purpose as soon as possible. As previously stated, it is the only way to experience true happiness.
The first step towards identifying yourself and your life’s purpose is to make time for yourself, no matter how difficult that may be.
It’s crucial to remember that while you’re trying to figure out what your life’s mission is, it might not be something that pays well; instead, it might be something that requires you to make sacrifices.
These sacrifices, on the other hand, will pay off in the long term, and your life will undoubtedly be blessed. No amount of money or material possessions you can amass during your life will ever be able to compare to the joy you’ll experience when you figure out what your life’s mission is.
You will no longer have a need for money or material items to fill emptiness after you have discovered your mission because it will fill the hole you have on the inside.
There are a few things you will need to perform in order to learn the purpose that has been assigned to you. As previously stated, one of the things you’ll need to master is how to set out time for yourself so that you can think without being interrupted.
Meditation to Begin the Process
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If you want to interact with the inner you and obtain feedback on what your purpose is, you’ll need to find a peaceful place and clear your mind of all distractions. Beginning a daily meditative contemplative practice is the major method to begin this process.
Keep in mind that you might not get a response straight away, and your response might not be as evident as you’d like.
You must pay attention to the universe’s indications and discover what clues they provide. Journaling after or before your meditation about your purpose will help you pay attention.

Step Outside of Your Bubble – Experiment With Life
Another thing you should do if you want to find your life’s purpose is learn how to break free from your safety bubble. Many people learn to create a bubble around themselves in order to protect themselves from certain aspects of life.
The difficulty is that this bubble generally keeps more good things out than harmful. Putting yourself in a bubble encourages you to settle into a habit and prevents you from venturing out and discovering what your life’s purpose is.
Living in a bubble can also lead to people accepting their current circumstances, even if they are not pleased or happy. This is because staying in your bubble can feel more comfortable than venturing into the unknown and discovering who you truly are.

How to Manage the Stress Of Stepping Outside Of Your Bubble
When you first walk outside of your safety bubble, you will most likely feel uneasy, and this is quite natural. This is because they’ve grown accustomed to a false sense of security as a result of their safety bubble. Practice, like anything else in life, will make it much simpler to break free from your bubble.
Remember that even small steps are progress. No one is advising you to transform every aspect of your life in a single day; in fact, that would be a bad idea. It will take some time to figure out what your true life’s mission is, but the first step is to break out of your bubble.
Meet new people, try new things, and learn more about yourself. There’s a good chance that there are a lot of things in life that you have no idea you’d be interested in or good at. Get out of your bubble and start living!
Conclusion – Why Is It Important to Find Your Purpose in Life?
Being without your purpose can not only deprive you of savoring each moment in your life with deep satisfaction and joy, but it as well can be dangerous.
I have been in an out of several close relationships because I did not have my self worth, personal power and finally quiet confidence without having my purpose.
What are you going to do? Live a life of quiet dissatisfaction because it seems safe because it is your comfort zone or are you going to venture out to find your passion, prosperity and finally your personal power by virtue of discovering and living your life purpose?
In the next series of articles we will more fully explore how to find your life purpose.
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