Why is it important to Meditate? Because it can help us Let Go of Karma, the first step in the Soul Abundance, a healing system for bliss.

Why is it important to Meditate? Instant Peace
Play this meditation to get a feel for what meditation can do for you.
Meditation will alleviate your reactive mind into a state of peace. Reactive patterns keep us trapped in the energy of Karma.
Why is it important to Meditate? Meditation Alleviates Karma
A great example of this is our soul plan. As souls before birth, we plan a situation with limitations in it for our growth. If we remain entrapped in a resistance pattern, we cannot evolve to Soul Abundance.
Therefore, the first step to evolve to joy, is to Let Go of Karma with meditation. Here is a a quote that describes how meditation can lessen karma.
“An important factor in overcoming karma is meditation. Every time you meditate, your karma decreases, for at that time your energy is focused in the brain and burns up the old brain cells.
After every deep meditation, you will find yourself becoming freer inside.” Taken from Paramhansa Yogananda.
There are several ways to meditate. I have found that Mindful Meditation is the best way to move out of a reactive mind into the now.

Why is it important to Meditate? My Story
I am open to other ideas, but in my own experience, after seeking the counsel of a spiritual teacher from Science of Mind, I was taught to do mindful meditation.
Within a few weeks of this practice I began to feel less bothered by discordant events surrounding me. Like water running off a duck’s back, I was living through a highly stressful time, but not reacting to it.
The most amazing thing about all of this is the stressful situation for which I had sought counsel disappeared on its own.
The Karma disappeared? I guess you could say that, but a more accurate way of describing this is that I no longer reacted, which allowed any energetic ties to the situation to heal, thus releasing me from it.
This story is described in greater detail in this post HERE.

Why is it important to Meditate? As I Let Go the Stressful Situation Dissipated!
I hope you can now see how powerful letting go is for any an all situations in your life which haunt you.
Letting Go is the Holy Grail in the first step to a life of intuitive guidance, lucky synchronicity and finally divine flow. These conditions allow your prosperous destiny to unfold.
Rather than be embroiled in the karma of the Astral plane, you begin to Ascend into a higher vibration where suffering is no longer the norm.
If you are looking to Ascend to 5th Dimensional consciousness, Heaven on Earth, this would be a mandatory first step.
How to Let Go in Meditation.
- Get FREE E-book Join Mailing list using form on Sidebar. You will be redirected to a file with FREE Resources in it, the “Meditation for Peace” E-book will be listed there.

Take an online class. Here are two I hand picked for you.
- Mindfulness Meditation Course. A Self-Guided, three week, experiential workshop with step-by-step instructions for bringing Mindfulness into your daily life. Includes nine guided meditations with and without Hemi-Sync® (18 total) that you can download and keep for your ongoing practice. See what works best for you and let us know!
- Anmol Mehta Learn How to Meditate Course. This online home study course is a fully multi-media program which comes with superb instructional videos and is taught by master meditator and teacher Anmol Mehta. If you want to learn how to meditate, this is your solution. Go HERE.

Go to a Spiritual Meditation Retreat
BookRetreats.com has a list of so many juicy ones it will be hard to choose. Go HERE to see some really gorgeous meditation retreats to sooth your soul, and begin your shift from reactive mind to peaceful flow.

Create Your Own Meditation Room – A Soul Space to Meditate, Manifest and Align
One day as I was innocently paging through a social media site I came across the idea of a Meditation Room. I thought, “Wow, this is indeed Soul Abundance in a nutshell!”
What I saw there were simple meditation spaces. They looked pretty, relaxing and rejuvenating.
But these pretty pictures did not identify the underlying inherent WEALTH of such a space!
A Meditation Room can be called your Soul Space, a place to explore, define and refine your expression of you.
Your Soul Space can be your Abundance place.

Some Other Names for a Meditation Room
- Soul Space
- She Shed
- She Shack
- (It’s All About) ME Shack (I made this one up, lol)
- Sacred Space
- Yoga Room
- Zen Room
- Soul Abundance Room
You can use this room for meditation, journaling, manifestation and divination. It can be one of the most valuable investments you ever made in yourself.
The colors you place in it can reflect what you love. You can diffuse essential oils which allow you to align with intentions of the moment.
You can house crystals there for healing and manifestation of goals you have.
The list of ways you can use your Soul Space are endless.
It can be like having a Spiritual Retreat right in your home!
Your Meditation Room can abundance YOU!

How to Create a Meditation Room (Sacred Space)
The first step is to look at examples of meditation rooms on the internet. Here is a youtube video which displays one of them and how it was created.
Meditation Room Supplies to Create Your Sacred Space
Go HERE to find examples of meditation rooms and the tools to create one.
Here is an Indoor Meditation Fountain.

Soul Abundance Next Step
The next step in your abundance journey is to Open your Dharma, your soul purpose. Go HERE to learn how to open your dharma.
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Spirit Medium Laura