Psychically it was revealed this man had not thought about anyone else in his business proposition except what he wanted and needed. He meant well, but he did not “see” well. He was limited in his vision to create win-wins for all involved.
The other day a bright young entrepreneur with a business problem came to me. She wanted to know if she could trust a potential business partner who had recently made a proposal to her for a joint venture.
The psychic answer was, “yes.” However, after closer scrutiny it became apparent that additional work would be needed for my client to get what she needed from the situation.
Psychically it was revealed this man had not thought about anyone else in his business proposition except what he wanted and needed. He meant well, but he did not “see” well. He was limited in his vision to create win-wins for all involved.

It was further revealed that he had failed several times before in business ventures because of this blind spot. Without further ado I went into the L.O.V.E. sales system.
Using the L.O.V.E. sales system, I followed several steps.
- Learn his situation. Psychically it was revealed he had lost established businesses several times in the past because of his inability to control or run partnerships. He travelled a lot and was not operationally oriented. Client verified this was true.
- Open the problem. I suggested to her she explain to him the potential problem in keeping his sales reps in the field unmanaged. They would eventually compete with him (and her).
- Verify interest. I told her to propose he give her the power to manage the sales process in the United States for him as he travelled globally finding new products to sell. His interests would be protected as would hers, creating a “win-win” for all.
- Engage agreement. She was to ask if he would agree to this. If he did then she would have a business with him. If he didn’t then she was to seek better opportunities for herself elsewhere.
This is an excellent example of what a Psychic SoulTalk Business Coach can do for you.
Win at Love Relationships with the L.O.V.E. Sales System
You can use this same approach in all sorts of situations. Let’s say you just met a potential partner. You like him or her a lot.
Use the L.O.V.E. Sales system to win.
- Learn their situation. What are they looking for in a love relationship? Were they hurt before? What do they want? As you do this think of any problems their situation has created for them. Let’s say you just met a man who was caste out of his long term marriage against his will. His wife just did not want him anymore. She wanted excitement. He wanted stability.
- Open the problem(s). His problem is feeling insecure about himself, undesirable, unwanted.
- Verify interest. Suggest to him you think he is a wonderful catch, an attractive and desirable partner. See how he responds.
- Engagement agreement. If he responds positively to this and you want him, then suggest you get together again. See what happens.
You can use a similar process when you are in a relationship with conflict. The primary conflict I find in couples is one of the partners has withdrawn, become indifferent, non committal or evasive.
The way to use the sales L.O.V.E. formula here is the following.
- Learn the situation. Probe for the deeper needs of your partner. This may not be overtly apparent. This is where a good psychic can help. For example, a man wants to leave his marriage. The psychic discovers he thinks he is in love with a woman at work. She is young, beautiful and quite seductive. She appeals to his need to feel desirable and have sexual adventure. The psychic also points out his strong value for family. This is his deeper need. Wife verifies what she can about these psychic findings.
- Open the problem. Once the reason for withdrawal is discovered the wife can suggest potential problems that can arise with the choices made. Sexual adventure is fine, but not lasting or loyal. Family is.
- Verify interest. See what the husband does or says when this problem is opened. This is up to him.
- Engage agreement. If the husband realizes family is more important to him than a momentary adventure, then the relationship can be saved.
If you want to win in sales or in relationships, use L.O.V.E. If you work with a psychic who uses this or a similar process you will win more often!
NOTE: Laura Mendelsohn is a psychic medium, entrepreneur, author, teacher, public speaker and media guest. With 45+ metaphysic exposure, Laura’s life purpose and passion is to help you fulfill your dreams with SoulTalk. Laura can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or to set your private appointment or join one of her classes.