WISDOM: The Honeymoon for Healing to Happiness
The other day I did a session for a beautiful young couple. The woman’s mother had transitioned to spirit, as had the father of the man. It was the man’s father who had some magical wisdom for his daughter in law and son who sat before me.
The father spoke about his “honeymoon” with golf. While on earth and now in spirit world he loved to play golf. This was confirmed by his son.
The father had a unique way of stating this. Playing golf was his way of letting the cares of day to day life fall away from him, rejuvenating him and of course allowing him to do something he really loved to do.
This message generalized to his son and daughter. He told them to take up a “honeymoon” in their own life, to step away from all the stress and work they were always so absorbed in to do something they loved to do. Tennis was their answer.
This would help as an example to their daughter who was already exhibiting symptoms of stress at only 12 years old, by the way she crash studied for tests in school. Both the parents agreed, smiling at the realization their beautiful daughter was learning how to live in a stressful manner from their example.
If we think about this advice we can see how salient it is. About the time of this message I had been celebrating my birthday. I threw myself a birthday party, people from my dance class took me out to lunch, my sister kept adorning me with gifts and the most beautiful birthday card, I went shopping for new and exciting cloths, had a manicure and pedicure, a massage, etc., etc.
I was even eating the left over chocolate cake at night for a special treat! Now that is REALLY LIVING FOR ME!
As I entered this festive period I was a bit concerned as I had not fully recuperated from a viral infection that had started as the flu but through three relapses taken a full tour through my entire respiratory system like a hungry tourist on holiday.
Funny thing. Instead of having another relapse, I got better. Why? Well, it is now so obvious to me. I was having FUN!
As I saw I getting better instead of having a relapse, because I was deliberately having FUN, I also realized how in control I was to the amount of fun I had! As well, I realized I was limiting the doses of fun I served myself on a daily basis!
WOW! What a realization. I thought my life was limited. Instead I realized I was limiting the amount of pleasure, honeymooning, if you will, I was allowing into my life!
It was me that was the limitation, not any external circumstances. “Nose to the grindstone,” had been my attitude and killing me it was.
Around this time I had heard of several deaths to close friends, acquaintances. One of them had been a suicide by a youthful woman who danced at the ballroom I frequented.
I had seen her there many a night looking to me happy enough. I learned, however, she had hung herself!
It is well known in psychology that rigid thinking is one of the major characteristics of suicidal thinking.
Lock yourself in a box and you will be in a box. The key out of the box is in your thinking, attitude and actions!
Now you may wonder if I, as a medium, have a negative attitude about death. I do not.
However, I do have an attitude about living in pain. We are not meant to suffer on earth.
Actually if I had to say it succinctly, I think we are born to evolve spiritually by creating happiness on earth for ourselves!
If you can figure out how to be happy no matter where you are, what you have or with whom you cohort, you have evolved to a higher vibration.
So get going on your own plan to happiness. Decide how you are going to live in a HONEYMOON state of mind every day. Make each day festive, YOUR BIRTHDAY!
Spirit Medium Laura
Book your private session with Laura at www.BookLaura.com