WORTHINESS: The Road to Worthiness. A channeled piece which outlines a way to augment your sense of worthiness, by simply living.
This article is part of the Worthiness Series listed here.
- WORTHINESS: The Road to Worthiness
- SELF SABOTAGE – A Worthiness Deficiency
- How to Feel Worthy
- Feeling Good Enough for Happiness, Love, Money
Dear Spirit Guides, how does one feel their worthiness?
Love is the underlying principle to worthiness. Yet feeling loved comes from self worth. So there is a certain amount of circuity here.
How does one feel loved so they can feel worthy? How does one feel worthy so they can feel loved?
The answer is in the self. When one feels complete in themselves, that they need for nothing to provide for them, then they are worthy and loved.
How does one feel complete, you might ask, by loving themselves first? Taking themselves out on the journey of life and out of the running from life.
Life was meant to be lived. When one does not feel worthy they will hide from life. They will feel not enough, not worthy, frightened of all and incomplete.
When one takes the journey of life, embraces life, they being to feel worthy.
This might sound confusing to you.
When you open your eyes and say to yourself, “I will step through uncertainty to live,” you become worthy.
Worthiness is based on the willingness to LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST!
Take on the adventure, the challenge, the not knowing, full throttle.
When you do, when you decide to come away from fear, in your shell, out into the open of experience, you begin to love yourself more.
So worthiness is dependent on your willingness to grow, to love, to take chances and to engage all your senses in the extreme case of life.
Do not hide. Be alive! Being alive then gives you the chance to enter the place of love, the now, fully embraced in the feeling of being alive.

There are other ways to do this most of which many people cannot do. They have trouble feeling the life force within themselves with meditation or other spiritual practices, but to fully engage in life, is something natural for the average human being.
It is possible to move from watching life to living life to the fullest.
In the state of total motion, you become engaged in the present, the gift of life, the now.
So when you find worthiness is an issue for yourself or others remind them to take on new challenges, adventures and problems fully engaging their senses in the journey, not the arrival.
Being alive means living and living is the way to worthiness.
Here is an exercise for you to feel worthy by becoming fully engaged in life.
1. Have a piece of paper and pen ready to take notes.
- Listen to a calming, quieting meditation like the sound of the ocean for at least ten minutes while remaining seated or lying down. Embrace yourself in the calming sound, enjoying the respite of this restful feeling removed from the day to day chatter of life.
- Now ask yourself, what is it that you are AFRAID of doing, that you hold back from doing, yet you feel will offer you a new, exciting experience? Be broad, be liberal in your answer to this question. Write it down now.
- You can continue doing this over and over again until you feel you have completed exploring this list.
- Now ask yourself what item on this list offers you the biggest reward if you were to do it.
- Now make a pledge to yourself to do this particular thing.
- Keep this practice going on a regular basis, for it can uncover a wealth of worthiness for you as you develop yourself into the future.
The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura
I would like to add, one of the cornerstones of worthiness is being in the Now. The Now is your connection to Source, God, Infinite Intelligence, whatever is your term for the Divine Creator of all.
When you think about life evolving from inert inanimate substance, you realize how miraculous you truly are!
You are a product, like all conscious beings, of something that did not have consciousness. That is very profound.
You are a product of the intelligence that creates the very core of life itself. How, then could, or would you not be worthy of everything?
Worthiness is not something to be earned, to be deserving of or to not have. Your very nature, a conscious being from the Source of all creation, makes you innately worthy of everything.
When you fully engage in life, you enter the now. The now is the place where you are experiencing Divine Consciousness, delivering you back to the awareness of your worthiness.
Enjoy your journey through life by entering the now of experience. This experiential approach to living will deliver you worthiness.
Enjoy every juicy moment of your life.
Spirit Medium Laura
Thank Amy!
So worth reading Laura! Love this!