Yoga for Manifestation Introduction.
If you are having difficulty manifesting a goal or dream in your life your soul probably is out of alignment with it. You can use the yoga pose described below to reconnect to your soul.
Posture can help you connect your energy into universal consciousness, thus enabling you to hear your soul.
A couple of weeks ago I was feeling blocked from reaching a seemingly illusive goal. I was working on expanding my business from services to products and services through Internet marketing.
However, I was finding it hard to find the time, believe my efforts would be productive and I was procrastinating. You might as well have asked me to fill up the ocean with little drops of water, one drop at a time.
After several months of forcing myself to obey the discipline to achieve these goals, I realized these goals were and are out of alignment with my soul.
I know that as I align with what my soul desires, manifestation becomes automatic, easy and results flow effortlessly to me.

Yoga for Manifestation: My areas of Resistance
- Play. I wanted to go out and play instead of stay home and work.
- Effectiveness. I wondered if what I was doing would work.
- Overwhelm. Each step I took did not feel enough to reach the goal.
As I felt these feelings I had a realization. I realized I could hardly breathe. My chest was constricted and I was breathing shallowly.
This awareness caused me to try a new type of meditation for me. I decided to use my body as a form of meditation.
I took my arms up over my head, spreading them four feet apart as I spread my feet four feet apart. I looked like a star.
Here is a good approximation of this pose, except my arms were lifted slightly higher. You can experiment with this basic pose to see what feels the most expansive to you!

Yoga for Manifestation Can Shift Our Vibration.
As we shift our physical posture, we can align with a new outlook, a bigger, perhaps more optimistic one. Our vibration in turn goes higher.
As a dancer I view everything in terms of movement, somatics and energy. It is natural for me to think of consciousness in terms of movement, body posture and physical elements.
Results of New Pose
I felt expansive, expanded and more engaged! I also started to clairvoyantly see my energy expanding out in all directions, as if I was emanating a new signal, a new frequency.
The outcome of this shift in energy was my realizing the internet marketing goal was NOT in alignment with my soul!
This goal was inauthentic for me.
When you are in alignment with what you authentically desire at a soul level, your energy will flow through you. You will not feel constricted, blocked and unable to breath.
Rather you will feel relaxed, filled with joy and peaceful, like something you know is right for you has ALREADY come into your life.
You will automatically manifest what you want because your subconscious (your soul) is in alignment with this.
Meditation From Star Pose
After I entered an adjusted star pose, I immediately became aware of a spiral of energy starting at my core (solar plexus) and swirling around.
This spiral extended out in all directions in a vibrant movement. You could think of this like a hypnotic wheel. Here is a hypnotic wheel.
After that I had to write this down to share with others who might feel blocked, like their mind, body and soul were out of alignment.
What we think and feel we emanate as vibration. This in turn effects what we are creating.
The Star Pose can help you shift your energy from blocked to JOY. There are other yoga poses that can be used to help shift your energy and manifest. More on that below.
Vibrate JOY is a Manifestation Step
Shifting your vibration to joy is the third step of The Soul Abundance material.
Soul Abundance shows us how to live in prosperity by shifting our energy from Fear to Love. There are specific steps to do this, outlined below.
Soul Abundance is L-O-V-E
- Let Go Fear (Worry, Ego, Karma) (Spiritual Law of Non Resistance) using Meditation, Mindfulness, Spiritual Retreats, Chakra Healing.
- Open Soul (Intuition, Soul Purpose, Dharma) (Spiritual Law of Soul Purpose) with Archetypes, Akashic Records, Astrology, Numerology, etc.
- Vibrate Joy (Alignment, Authenticity, Automatic Manifestation) Spiritual Law of Attraction, Vibration & Frequency using Visualization, Manifestation, Crystals, Essential Oils, Spiritual Jewelry.
- Engage Flow (GOD: Guidance, Opportunity, Destiny). Spiritual Law of Divine Flow using Spiritual Guidance, Synchronicity and Fulfillment.
Suggestion for Use
I suggest you use this any time you feel blocked, low energy, sad, like you will never reach an important goal you have. Stay in the pose for one to four minutes or as long as you need to feel free, aligned and optimistic.
Other Yoga for Manifestation Poses
Here is a great video on Flow Yoga for Manifestation. When I started to do some of the poses in the video I felt so many things shift in me.
I think I am going to add Yoga for Manifestation into my daily practice to support me in supporting my vibration for manifestation.
Vibration is the third step in the Automatic Manifestation with Soul Abundance.
Here is the video.
Sending you love and light,
Spirit Medium Laura