Do you have a secret dream for your life? You might find it hidden behind the words, “Ah, if only.” Then you sigh and get back to the job you hate or the relationship that feels wrong for you.
Your dream is real. It has magic. It is supposed to be there. This is your soul speaking to you about your life purpose, why you came to earth.
Do you have a secret dream for your life? You might find it hidden behind the words, “Ah, if only.” Then you sigh and get back to the job you hate or the relationship that feels wrong for you.
Your dream is real. It has magic. It is supposed to be there. This is your soul speaking to you about your life purpose, why you came to earth.
Your secret soul dream has attached to it the supernatural power of the spiritual world. When you latch into it, you will find your life becomes magical.
I was born into a family of artists. My father was a professional commercial sculptor and my mother a commercial artist. My mother as well, was extremely creative, and spent most of her free time learning about metaphysics and occult subjects.
Being born into this rich heritage was ironic. Instead of being encouraged to follow the arts, my parents encouraged me to get a good job with benefits, retirement and a solid salary.
“You can be anything you want. So choose to be secure financially. Forget about the arts.”
My parents thought that doing what you loved to do was foolish and could only lead to failure.
Being a good child, I followed their lead. I studied hard in school ignoring my natural talent for art. In all classes I was always the best artist. I loved art. When I painted I would go into an altered state. Time would evaporate. The classroom would disappear and I would just flow.
Yet with this heavy message hanging over my head, I applied myself. As I write this I am laughing at the mistake. I applied myself to be someone I was not.
Do you think being what you are not will get you anywhere good? I did. That was what I was taught and being the perfectionist I was, off I went blithely down the ruinous path of blind conformation.
Not only did I deprive myself of developing my innate talent, later in life I continued this parody until I made myself a millionaire! It was not until the money dissipated, my marriage ended and my ability to make anything back that I began to sit up and pay attention.
Whatever I had done in the past to become “successful,” was now failing. Even with my best efforts I could not achieve a thing.
What I finally had to admit was that there was something else at play here and it was not my will or what I wanted. There seemed to be an intelligence behind my losses which was vehemently on my tail.
Once gifted with the Midas touch, I was now cursed with the minus touch. My millions slowly slipped away as I made every wrong investing decision any single individual could ever make. If there were a Guinness Book of World Records, I might have won in that category. I was not very good at investing.

Following my father’s wisdom I was supposed to do well at anything I put my mind to do. However, life had a different message. It was attempting to teach me something deeper.
You either have a talent or you do not. Going for money alone had empty results. This was my first lesson.
Life continued to throw me curve balls until I began to think I would go homeless. I had manifested a fiancé after my marriage failed. This man promised to “rescue me.” I thought it was divine intervention to help me.
I was wrong. He broke off our engagement, found another woman and I was flat on my belly, having to figure this out alone.
As I entered that empty place of not knowing what to do, a miracle occurred. I let go. After that I began to be led.
It seems besides being a natural artist; I had inherited my mother’s psychic ability. As I began to work with clients, I found a deep satisfaction, not only for myself in doing the work but in them.
I would receive unsolicited letters of thanks, they would return for additional sessions and send me their friends and family for help. In just a few months my business expanded 400%, to fully supporting me!
As I continued to follow my secret dream for myself, I discovered my abundance continued. There is power to your dream. Follow it.
Note: Laura is available for private psychic counseling and Intuitive Success Coaching in the Quantum Flow program. Please contact her at (954) 465-7338 or for more information.