How to Connect With My Spirit Guide. Connecting with your Spirit Guide will offer you ongoing personal coaching from a divine omnipotent source.
Summary – How to Connect With My Spirit Guide
The short answer is to meditate and ask for them to come through.
If you do ask you encourage the connection.
A daily practice of journaling after a meditation where you begin a dialogue of asking questions to your spirit guides will enhance this process.
Over time you will begin to open the pathway between your conscious and your subconscious mind. It is this pathway, when connected, will offer you the way to connect with your spirit guides.
The mere fact that you are asking this question means that you are supposed to connect with your guides, so remember this as you begin this process.

Steps – How to Connect With My Spirit Guide
- Live in a High Vibration. The Spiritual Law of Reciprocity states we sow what we reap, what goes around, comes around. When you are living in a spiritual way, you will find connecting with your spirit guide will happen faster and easier.
- Do Daily Meditation. I believe mindful meditation is best because you are developing the space for your guides to speak to you. A mantra meditation will clog the channel through which they speak. Another great way to meditate is to simply listen to a Binaural Beat Meditation. This automatically opens that channel.
- Here is one sold by Hemisync which is designed for you to reach higher realms. The reviews are 5.0 and many reviews say it works to connect with your spirit guides.
- Ask Your Guides to come through on a regular basis until you start to feel like something is speaking to you when you ask questions. If you do not ask they will not connect with you. Ask before you do the next step.
- Journal after your meditation. It is helpful to conduct the asking in a written or more formal was as to capture the response. This will open the conscious connection. Ask a question of your guides. Then wait to “hear” a response from them. Spirit guides are helpful in spiritual growth and development. They are less focused on material matters, although I have asked of mine anything and I have gotten great advice from them.

Story About How I Connected With My Spirit Guides
I spontaneously began channeling The Michael Entity group back in 1983 after I asked for my spirit guides to come through. I knew nothing about The Michael Soul Group or why they were there. I just went along.
This time in my life allowed for a lot of quiet time alone, so I was actually in a receptive mind state to allow this connection to occur. I did not formally meditate, but each day was so quiet and solitary it was as if I was.

Why I Asked for My Guides to Come Through
This article explains why I asked for my spirit guides to come through. It is an interesting story of synchronicity, intuition and destiny. Basically I had gone to a psychic reader who said my Guides were trying to come through.
He told me to ask them to speak to me. As soon as I did a loud voice began booming from me. This voice called themselves Michael, a group of souls there to open me to spirit.
I knew nothing about them at that time. I simply followed along.
The Michael Teachings – How To Connect With My Spirit Guide
“The Michael teachings is a fascinating system of channeled wisdom that explores the psychology of the soul. This involves topics such as soul age, the seven roles (soul types), the overleaves (personality traits), bodytypes, the nine needs, reincarnation, life after death, past lives, and spiritual transformation.”
After working with me for two weeks, they suddenly announced in a channeling session they would be leaving as I was now ready to work with my master guide.
I felt a bit sorry about this announcement, but that was overshadowed by my fascination with what would happen next.
I did not know at that time, but The Michael Teaching was used by Sally Baldwin, a channeling teacher I met about 25 years later, to help open her students to channeling. This was fascinating to me. What a coincidence.
She told me I was an old soul who had gone through about ten full cycles of the incarnation completion process. This meant I had had hundreds of thousands of incarnations!

My Master Guide – How to Connect With My Spirit Guide
Then The Michael Soul Group introduced me to my Master Guide, St. Ignatius Loyola (Ascended Master Dom Ignatio “here to help us with physical and etheric body healing”). I knew nothing about this entity when introduced.
I found out 30 years later this entity is the Master Guide to John of God in Brazil. I actually do Clairvoyant Mediumistic Healing similar to what John of God does, but this healing was developed through me before I knew the John of God connection.
After that I was in contact with many entities of all sorts and dimensions including Sylphs, Fairies, Angels, Ascended Masters, Biblical types and whatever I requested.

Finally, decades later, I no longer experience them as individuals. They appear more as The Collective Unconscious.
I can still channel individual entities too, but most of my work now is as a spiritual teacher, healer and otherside medium.
Hugs to all.
Spirit Medium Laura